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구글 크롬(Google Chrome), 19.0.1084.52 업데이트!!

by 잡다한 처리 2012. 5. 24.

구글에서 제공하는 오픈소스 기반 브라우저인 크롬(Google Chrome)의 업데이트가 공개되었다.

보안 업데이트에서는 2건의 Critical 등급, 9건의 High 등급, 2건의 Medium 등급 등 총 13건의 취약점이 보안되었다. 

High CVE-2011-3103 : Crashes in v8 garbage collection. Credit to the Chromium development community (Brett Wilson).

 Medium CVE-2011-3104 : Out-of-bounds read in Skia. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Inferno).

 High CVE-2011-3105 : Use-after-free in first-letter handling. Credit to miaubiz.

 Critical CVE-2011-3106 : Browser memory corruption with websockets over SSL. Credit to the Chromium development community (Dharani Govindan).

 High CVE-2011-3107 : Crashes in the plug-in JavaScript bindings. Credit to the Chromium development community (Dharani Govindan).

 Critical CVE-2011-3108 : Use-after-free in browser cache. Credit to "efbiaiinzinz".

 High CVE-2011-3109 : Bad cast in GTK UI. Credit to Micha Bartholome.

 High CVE-2011-3110 : Out of bounds writes in PDF. Credit to Mateusz Jurczyk of the Google Security Team, with contributions by Gynvael Coldwind of the Google Security Team.

 Medium CVE-2011-3111 : Invalid read in v8. Credit to Christian Holler.

 High CVE-2011-3112 : Use-after-free with invalid encrypted PDF. Credit to Mateusz Jurczyk of the Google Security Team, with contributions by Gynvael Coldwind of the Google Security Team.

 High CVE-2011-3113: Invalid cast with colorspace handling in PDF. Credit to Mateusz Jurczyk of the Google Security Team, with contributions by Gynvael Coldwind of the Google Security Team.

 High CVE-2011-3114: Buffer overflows with PDF functions. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (scarybeasts).

 High CVE-2011-3115: Type corruption in v8. Credit to Christian

크롬을 사용하시는 분들은 업데이트 하여 사용하시길~!!

※ 이번 크롬 업데이트는 크롬의 재시작이 필요없습니다!!
