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[시스템툴] Sysinternals Tools Update - Autoruns v12.02, Coreinfo v3.31, Sysmon v1.01, Whois v1.12

by 잡다한 처리 2014. 8. 21.

Sysinternals Tool 중 몇가지가 업데이트 되었네요! 

링크 연결 하오니~ 필요하신 분들은 다운로드 받으세요!!

이번 업데이트에서는 기존의 Autoruns v12.02, Coreinfo v3.31, Sysmon v1.01, Whois v1.12 가 업데이트가 되었습니다.

- 업데이트 목록(클릭하시면 새창으로 이동합니다)

■ Autoruns v12.02 : This fixes a bug that could cause Autoruns to crash on startup, updates the image path parsing for Installed Components to remove false positive file-not-found entries, and correctly reports image entry timestamps in local time instead of UTC.


■ Coreinfo v3.31 : This update fixes a bug that could prevent the Coreinfo driver from loading.


■ Sysmon v1.01 : This fixes the manifest registration so that Sysmon event logs can be interpreted without installing Sysmon, and now includes unique UDP connections within 15-minute intervals.


■ Whois v1.12 : This release fixes the verbose output to not show the final record twice.
