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[시스템툴]Sysinternals Tools Update - AccessChk v 5.03, Autoruns & Autorunsc v 11.22, ProcMon v 3.0, PsList v 1.3

by 잡다한 처리 2012. 3. 27.

Sysinternals Tool 중 몇가지가 업데이트 되었네요!

링크 연결 하오니~ 필요하신 분들은 다운로드 받으세요!!

- 업데이트 목록(클릭하시면 새창으로 이동합니다)

Accesschk v5.03 : The -l switch, which has AccessChk show detailed security descriptor information, now reports the object owner as well as security descriptor flags.

Autoruns v11.22 : This release of Autoruns fixes a bug in the XML output structure, jump-to-folder functionality for scheduled task entries, and fixes a buffer overflow triggered by very long registry paths.

Process Monitor v3.0 : This update to Process Monitor, a real-time file, registry, process and network monitor, adds bookmark support so that you can flag specific lines in a trace for easy reference later. Shortcut keys enable you to move quickly between bookmarks and you can even add bookmarks to existing trace files. You can also convert a highlight filter to an include filter and shortcut keys move between highlighted lines. Finally, process Monitor now records process environment variables and current working directory for process create events (thanks to Dmitri Davydok for his contribution) and displays the names of new Windows 8 file system control codes.

Pslist v1.3 : This release fixes a rounding bug that caused Pslist to report lower than actual CPU utilization when used with the -s option.
