세계적인 멀티 AV스캐너 사이트인 바이러스 토탈(VirusTotal)을 구글이 인수하였다는 소식을 들었다.
개인적으로 바이러스토탈팀이 왜 구글을 선택한건지 모르겠다.
왠지 모르게 구글도 AV제품을 하나 낼 것 같은 느낌이 든다;;;
암튼 무서운 구글;;
- 관련 내용 사이트 : http://blog.virustotal.com/2012/09/an-update-from-virustotal.html
An update from VirusTotal
Our goal is simple: to help keep you safe on the web. And we’ve worked hard to ensure that the services we offer continually improve. But as a small, resource-constrained company, that can sometimes be challenging. So we’re delighted that Google, a long-time partner, has acquired VirusTotal. This is great news for you, and bad news for malware generators, because:
VirusTotal will continue to operate independently, maintaining our partnerships with other antivirus companies and security experts. This is an exciting step forward. Google has a long track record working to keep people safe online and we look forward to fighting the good fight together with them.
VirusTotal Team
- The quality and power of our malware research tools will keep improving, most likely faster; and
- Google’s infrastructure will ensure that our tools are always ready, right when you need them.
VirusTotal will continue to operate independently, maintaining our partnerships with other antivirus companies and security experts. This is an exciting step forward. Google has a long track record working to keep people safe online and we look forward to fighting the good fight together with them.
VirusTotal Team
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