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[시스템툴] Sysinternals Tools Update - Autoruns v11.70, Bginfo v4.20, Disk2vhd v1.64, Process Explorer v15.40

by 잡다한 처리 2013. 8. 27.

Sysinternals Tool 중 몇가지가 업데이트 되었네요! 
링크 연결 하오니~ 필요하신 분들은 다운로드 받으세요!!

이번 업데이트에서는 제가 주로 사용하는 Autoruns, Process Explorer 프로그램이 업데이트 되었네요.

- 업데이트 목록(클릭하시면 새창으로 이동합니다)

Autoruns v11.70 : This release of Autoruns, a powerful utility for scanning and disabling autostart code, adds a new option to have it show only per-user locations, something that is useful when analyzing the autostarts of different accounts than the one that
Autoruns is running under.

Bginfo v4.20 : BgInfo, a utility that creates custom desktop backgrounds that display system information, now correctly reports version information for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2.

Disk2vhd v1.64 : This update to Disk2Vhd, a tool for converting physical system disks to VHDs for use by virtual machines, now supports disk sizes of up to 2 TB.

Process Explorer v15.40 : Process Explorer, a Task Manager replacement, now shows WMI providers hosted in Wmiprvse processes (thanks to Mohamed Elghetany for contributions); includes an option that configures it to automatically run when you logon; and introduces a
process view column that shows process DPI awareness support on Windows 8.1 systems.
