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[시스템툴] Sysinternals Tools Update - Process Explorer v16.02, Process Monitor v3.1, PSExec v2.1, Sigcheck v2.03

by 잡다한 처리 2014. 3. 11.

Sysinternals Tool 중 몇가지가 업데이트 되었네요! 

링크 연결 하오니~ 필요하신 분들은 다운로드 받으세요!!

이번 업데이트에서는 분석 시 많이 사용하는 Process Explorer v16.02, Process Monitor v.3.1 가 업데이트가 되었습니다.
Process Explorer 는 v16으로 버전업하면서 바이러스토탈(VirusTotal)과 연동이 가능하다.

이 관련 된 내용은 아래의 블로그에 가면 좀 더 자세히 알 수 있다.

- 업데이트 목록(클릭하시면 새창으로 이동합니다)

Process Explorer v16.02 : This minor update adds a refresh button to the thread’s stack dialog and ensures that the Virus Total terms of agreement dialog box remains above the main Process Explorer window.
Process Monitor v.3.1 : This release adds registry create file disposition (create vs open) and a new switch, /saveapplyfilter, which has Process Monitor apply the current filter to the output file as it saves it.
PSExec v2.1 : This update to PsExec, a command-line utility that enables you to execute programs on remote systems without preinstalling an agent, encrypts all communication between local and remote systems, including the transmission of command information such as the user name and password under which the remote program executes.
Sigcheck v2.03 : This version corrects a bug that caused the output of the –u switch to include signed files, and fixes several other minor bugs.
