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소포스(SophosLab), Internet Explorer 0-day targeted in spam runs

by 잡다한 처리 2010. 3. 11.

세계적인 보안업체인 소포스(SophosLab)에서 이번 CVE-2010-0806 제로데이 취약점(Zero-Day Explot)에 대한 악성코드가
Spam-Mail 로 전파된다고 밝혔다.
아직까지 해당 스팸메일을 보지 못해서 ㅠ.ㅠ 이렇다할 내용이 없다.

In either case, clicking on the link takes the victim to a web page which kickstarts the infection process.

Generic detection for the exploit scripts seen thus far has been added as Troj/ExpJS-R. A script used to query the browser/OS version before loading the exploit script (or redirecting to a games site) has been added as Troj/JSRedir-AW.

The malicious payloads installed in such attacks are liable to change of course, but the ones seen thus far have been either proactively detected as Mal/Dropper-Y, or added as Troj/Dloadr-CYS.

SophosLabs will continue monitoring for new attacks looking to exploit this vulnerability. In the interim, aside from keeping your protection up to date, take note of the following from the Microsoft announcement:

Our investigation has shown that the latest version of the browser, Internet Explorer 8, is not affected.

If you are an IE user and have not yet upgraded to version 8, take a hint! It is strongly recommended that you do so. Aside from not being affected from this particular issues, there are a whole bundle of other security related features you are missing out on otherwise.

The SophosLabs vulnerability assessment page for the IE 0-day vulnerability will be updated accordingly.
