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[SpamMail] "Nuclear Challenges and Responses in the Century" 제목으로 전파 되는 메일 주의!!

by 잡다한 처리 2010. 10. 15.

우리나라 외교안보연구원 연구원의 개인 명의로 보낸 스팸메일이 발견 되었다.
CVE-2010-2883 PDF 취약점을 이용하는 악성코드 메일이며, JUN.Bong-Geun@ifans.go.kr 이라는 발송인을 이용한 점으로 봐서는 정부기관을 타겟으로 잡은 스팸메일인 듯 합니다.

ifans.go.kr은 외교안보연구원(http://www.ifans.go.kr)의 도메인이다.

제목 : Nuclear Challenges and Responses in the Century

본문 : 
Dear all

We inform you of an event and expect your kindly opinions.
On October 4th-5th 2010, the  IFANS Conference on Global Affairs in 2010, "Nuclear Challenges and Responses in the  Century" is hosted by the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) and the Presidential Council for Future and Vision (PCFV), and is organized by the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS),ROK.

At the conference,in-depth discussion is expected among international and Korean experts and turn-out policy recommendations in terms of three subjects.
The sessions and programs were attached to a file "Conference Information.pdf".

첨부파일 : Conference Information_2010 IFANS Conference on Global Affairs (1001).pdf

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