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[루트킷]Kernel Detective v1.4.1

by 잡다한 처리 2011. 1. 14.

분석툴로 많이 사용되고 있는 Kernel Detective 프로그램이 업데이트 되었네요.

- 파일 다운로드 : 

Kernel Detective is a free tool that help you detect, analyze, manually modify and fix some Windows NT kernel modifications. Kernel Detective gives you the access to the kernel directly so it's not oriented for newbies. Changing essential kernel-mode objects without enough knowledge will lead you to only one result ... BSoD !

Kernel Detective gives you the ability to :
1- Detect Hidden Processes.
3- Detect Hidden Threads.
2- Detect Hidden DLLs.
3- Detect Hidden Handles.
4- Detect Hidden Driver.
5- Detect Hooked SSDT.
6- Detect Hooked Shadow SSDT.
7- Detect Hooked IDT.
8- Detect Kernel-mode code modifications and hooks.
9- Disassemble (Read/Write) Kernel-mode/User-mode memory.
10- Monitor debug output on your system.

What's new in v1.4.1 :
- Fixed possible BSOD when scanning processes
- Fixed bug in callbacks scanning
- Enhanced showing files properties and signature verifying
- Skeleton SDK for VS2008 included

What's new in v1.4.0 :
- Added plugins system
- Added support for windows server 2008, seven sp1
- Enhanced stability on NT 6.0+ (windows vista/seven)
- Improved driver scan
- Improved code hook scan
- Fixed bug prevent the tool from working on windows xp
- Fixed bug related to long paths
- Fixed bug in process/driver dumper
- Fixed bug in IDT scan
